I used to work for our student pub at Chalmers University of Technology, as the one responsible for the assortment of beer. We had around 140 different kinds of beer, and since the demand was different for each one, the need for some kind of managing program quickly arose. To fill that need, I coded the Pubtools program in Java.
It saves the current stock in a database, and it is very straight forward to keep track of how much has been sold after each occasion. Based on how much there is left, the program automatically generates a suggestion of what to buy, downloads data from Systembolaget (Swedish liquor retailer) which tells the user how much there is in stock in specific stores, and calculates how much money this would cost.
The program has been designed to be stream lined with the user in mind, so that no unnecessary time has to be spent on the program itself. Most of the user interface widgets are modified to behave in non-standard ways, to make sure the user does not have to "click around" more than needed.
Screenshot of the program: