Oh My Zsh

Oh My Zsh is a very popular open source, community-driven framework for managing Zsh terminal configuration. To quote their website: "Oh My Zsh will not make you a 10x developer...but you may feel like one!"

It's popularity speaks for itself: as of April 2024, it has 169k stars on GitHub.

Plugins and bgnotify

Oh My Zsh is built up around a vast number of plugins that will add abilities to your terminal. One of these is "bgnotify", which will create desktop notifications for any long running commands, indicating whether they succeeded or failed. This allows you to run something in the background and be alerted upon completion.

Most underlying desktop notification programs can take icons. I added the ability for the bgnotify plugin to pass icons to the notification programs. While at it, I also cleaned up the code somewhat and updated the documentation. Later, another contributor added some code to find the id of applications when running Wayland and Sway using jq. While the code was great, many users will not have jq installed, so I added a fallback function to fetch the id using awk.

A list of Pull Requests opened by me can be found here.

Logo of Oh My Zsh, and an example of desktop notifications showing different icons on success and failure